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Snaith Primary School


Headteacher: Mrs Helen Calpin

Chair of Governors: Mr Chris Emsen

Email: snaith.primary@eastriding.gov.uk

Website: https://www.snaithprimary.org.uk/

Newsletter Friday 28th  June 2024

This week’s attendance 95.7%

It has been another fantastic week – with the children across school shining!

French Competition

Three children from year 6 competed in a French Language Competition at Beverley Grammar School this week.

The girls were amazing, representing our school so well and just missing out in being in the top 4!  We are so proud of them!


Tri Golf - Well done to all the children who played Tri-Golf on Tuesday night. Our year 5 team came 2nd and our year 6 team came 1st!  An extra well done goes to IH and DL who both opted to be young leaders rather than play. They both did the most amazing job!  We had several compliments from staff from other competing schools. They commented on our children’s maturity and innovation!  Well done to everyone, we are really proud of you all.

Sports Day

What a lovely day we had yesterday enjoying sports day with you all. The children throughout school were fantastic, trying their best and the resilience and determination shown was wonderful to see, but most memorably were all the smiles.  Well done everyone for being sporting stars! And that goes for parents and staff too!

A huge thank you, especially to Mr Constantine and all the children who helped run the event, and to all staff for ensuring the day ran so efficiently and well! Also, a great big thank you to PTA for providing refreshments and selling raffle tickets.  They raised over £600!

Y6 Residential

What an amazing time everyone had at PGL last week. Again, the children gave their all to the activities and it was so lovely to spend time together making memories.

Coming Soon!

We now look forward to welcoming everyone to ‘Snaith on Tour 24’ on Thursday 11th July.  Preparations are well underway and excitement is building. A separate letter with all the details will be sent out early next week.

Drowning Prevention Week

This week we had two swimming instructors from Goole Leisure Centre visit school to give a Water Safety Assembly to all children in Key Stage 2.

A few warm weather reminders

Suncream - We are not able to apply this at school, but children are welcome to bring some to apply

themselves. Please ensure this is clearly labelled. We have found the best way to protect your child from the sun is to

apply at home before coming to school to ensure your child is properly ‘suncreamed’ up.

Sun hats – If you wish for your child to wear a sunhat at playtimes please can you place a hat in their bag.

Please remember to write their name inside it.

Hay fever – If your child suffers from hay fever, and they require medication, please administer this at home before

school, as we are only able to administer doctor prescribed medication, if prescribed 4 or more times a day.

School Jumpers/Cardigans – with the warmer weather, we find these are discarded all around the school

fields/playground, please ensure these are labelled with your child’s name to enable us to return them. 

Water Bottles

Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school daily.  When children have PE lessons and are practising for sports day these are taken outside for them to have a drink when required.

Adventure Play Area

For safety and insurance purposes, please can we ask children do not play on the adventure play area before or after school.  This structure is for use during school hours only when children are supervised by staff.


Summer Reading Challenge

School Libraries have launched their summer reading challenge


The 2024 challenge

This year’s Challenge is all about creativity. From paper weaving to Lego art, bookmark making to puppetry, there’s something for everyone! Children will be able to find new reads linked to their favourite creative arts, and access free activities at the library. We can’t wait to get creative!




Friday 5th July 2024 at 2.30pm at Snaith Primary School.  Please see the poster below


Model Consultation

Due to all your wonderful support, we have raised sufficient funds to apply for Charity Status!  This opens the door to more options for grants and support for our amazing school which is just fantastic!  Part of this process is a little bit formal (such as the AGM format and also adopting a constitution for our PTA), but thankfully PTA day-to-day activity is far from formal!  

Part of the process to follow involves the constitution being available to you all, should you wish to read it before we adopt it at our meeting next week.   Therefore, it has been uploaded onto the school website under 'PTA' with the link below. A hard copy is also available in school.  

We look forward to welcoming any new faces next week at the AGM as the PTA door is always open to everyone within the Snaith Primary School community.  



AGM Agenda

Date & Location:  Friday 5th July 2024 - 2.30pm to 3.25pm in the school hall.

Invited: All active committee members, Mrs Calpin (Headteacher), all other teachers & parents.

  • Welcome & apologies
  • Minutes from last meeting – approval or matters arising
  • Treasurers report, minute any spends, and grant applications update
  • Charity Status application, election of committee members & adopt the constitution
  • Review of recent events;

                                - Colour run

                                - Lolly sales

  • Planning for September 2024 / new school year:

- Bunday Monday dates

- Refer to annual fundraising agenda

  • AOB

- Pop in the Park Raffle Sales

- Fashion Show / Clothes Swop

- Circus

Arrange date of next meeting for September 2024


Ice creams

The PTA, will be in the playground at the end of the school day selling ice creams and lollies as often as possible (stocks permitting) up to the end of term. 


Diary Dates

Summer Term commencing  Monday 15th April – Swimming lessons for Year 4 and some Year 5’s weekly for 11 weeks.

Wednesday 3rd – Friday 5th July – Year 6 Transition days to The Snaith School

Thursday 11th July – Summer Extravaganza 6pm.  Families welcome

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers Disco (times to be confirmed)

Friday 19th July – Leavers assembly 2pm


School Holidays

Please click on the link below to view the school holidays, these can also be found on the school app under Useful Links.


Term Dates 2023-2024


Term Dates 2024-2025



Please can I remind parents that school is not able to authorise any holidays during term time. Therefore, it is important to consult these dates before making any booking.  As school is in session during these times, if your child does not attend school due to an unauthorised absence, school will not provide work for this period of time as children are expected to attend school to undertake their learning. 

We are committed to improving achievement through attendance, and any pupil whose attendance falls below 97% becomes a cause for concern.  Attendance below 90% is classed by the Government as persistent absence. If a child’s attendance falls below 90% we refer all cases to the Education Welfare Office at East Riding, who is likely to contact parents directly to discuss the matter. 



Beverley Puppet Festival 12-14 July 2024

The Beverley Puppet Festival takes place 12-14 July, with 30 ticketed shows and workshops for adults and children, and a weekend of free outdoor theatre for all. We would be grateful if you could share the Festival links with your parent/carer community.

Beverley Puppet Festival brochure: https://www.beverleypuppetfestival.com/_files/ugd/3eaf8c_3b5570e888fd4e609bf8715b3a5f8847.pdf

Beverley Puppet Festival website:



Cowick Church Summer Fayre

Friday 5th July at 3pm, in the church and carpark

Refreshments raffle tombola cakes.  All Welcome.