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Snaith Primary School

Fun Easter Activity Ideas!

Hi Guys,

Happy Easter! Below are some fun activities to complete with your families, if you want to keep busy! Most importantly, take time in the next two weeks to enjoy spending quality time with your loved ones; keeping safe and eating those chocolate eggs!

  • Why not watch some ‘space themed’ films whilst you are chilling? Mr Connelly has personally recommended ‘Back to the Future’, Apollo 11 (on Netflix) and ET – my  favourite!
  • Extra Easter eggs calls for extra baking! Try out some new recipes; I’ll be making some Mars Bar Brownies for sure!
  • I’ve attached some  Easter colouring-in pages below for you to practise some mindfulness - you might find them nice and relaxing
  • How about decorate your front windows, if you haven’t done already, with rainbows and banners to thank the NHS - they really have brightened up my street!
  • Create an obstacle course around your garden to burn off any eggtra energy! It could even lead to an Easter egg hunt towards the end!!
  • Make sure you complete some ‘random acts of kindness’; keep on Face timing relatives who you aren’t able to see; do some chores to help your parents out. Maybe even reward your new ‘Teachers’ with breakfast in bed (supervised) or an extra lie-in!
  • I love this idea… fill a jar with all of the things you wish to do when the lockdown is over… places you want to go, people you want to see, things you want to do etc.

Just as a reminder, following Mrs Calpin’s note on the APP, from now on your home learning will be centred on a weekly theme. So, instead of posting a new piece of work for you to do each day, we are going to post all of the wonderful activities you could do every Sunday during term time. Then, you can choose what you want to do and which day you would like to do it. You may even want to add in some of your own ideas linked to the theme. Remember to send in some of you ‘Wow work’ to this email: Snaith.primary2020@gmail.com for it to be published on our website, under the tab ‘Look What We’ve Been Doing At Home’. It will be great to hear from you!

I miss you all SO very much, but know you have been all working eggceptionally hard and making me proud. Keep up the good work but enjoy this break!!! Have an eggcellent one!

Miss Jackson