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Friday 3rd April
Hey Guys,
I can't wait to read your stories based on the 'Other Side of Truth' ; I'm intrigued to see what you have predicted !
Spelling Test - Please get someone to test you on your weekly spellings (see 30/3/20) and record your score in your spelling books. You might be able to sneak some Easter themed prizes for top marks...
Main Task: PE - As it's Friday again, heres your main challenge ... Get ready to rope in a volunteer...
Can you complete the Tik Tok ‘Oh na na na’ challenge?
Have a look at these guys smashing it on YouTube:
Too easy? Invent your own!
(I have got to admit, I have developed a slight obsession with Tik Tok and this challenge; you guys will have to teach me when we're back!)
Online Learning: I have assigned some activities for you to complete on Doodle over the weekend:
1) English - A Letter to the Hulk (comprehension)
2) English -Losing My Mind (poetry)
3) Maths -Solve number problems and practical problems that involve place value of up to 1,000,000, that involve increments of powers of ten, and that involve rounding.
Appreciate the sunshine on Sunday! I'll create an Easter tab over the weekend for some fun activities you might want to complete over the Easter hols! Look out for it - and each other :)
Miss Jackson
P.S - Remember the Newsround quiz! How could i forget!!!
P.P.S - Emoji Film Results from Mr Pickering's Blog - to those who attempted - Well done; it was really tricky wasn't it???!!!
1) Frozen 2) Star Wars 3) The Avengers 4) Harry Potter 5) Despicable Me 6) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 7) The Spongebob Movie 8) How to Train your Dragon 9) E.T
10) Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 11) Happy Feet 12) Up 13) Cars