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Snaith Primary School

Friday 3rd April


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Good Morning Reception. Last day of home schooling before the Easter Holidays.

I hope you don't eat too many Easter Eggs!

Here are todays activities:

Following on from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk can you answer these questions with your Mum and Dad. You might want to write the answers down in your green exercise book?


  • Who does Jack live with?
  • When Jack finally reached the top of the beanstalk, what did he see at the top?
  • Where did Jack hide when he heard a loud noise?
  • What two things did Jack take from the giant?
  • What was used to cut down the beanstalk?
  • In your green exercise book can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and write a sentence about why this is your favourite part. Don’t forget to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


Please continue to complete your 5 a day on ‘doodlemaths’. 


Play eye spy with a member of your family thinking of initial sounds.