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Tuesday 24th March
Hello everyone!
We hope that you enjoyed your writing challenge yesterday and that you are keeping yourselves busy at home.
While you are at home, it is extremely important to keep your body active as well as your minds! With this in mind, please look at the ‘Feelings Yoga’ poster below (PDF at the bottom of the page).
Try out each yoga pose and encourage your family to join in if possible!
Which one is your favourite and why? Do you all like the same one or do different people in your family like different poses?
Which one is the biggest challenge? Why?
Next, can you think of your own five poses for ‘Feelings Yoga’?
Think carefully about how you can creatively use your body to make the different shapes and stretches.
Draw each pose in your exercise book and label it with a sentence to explain.
- For each one, include the most unusual adjective you can think of before the animal. You might like to use an online thesaurus to help!
- Try to include alliteration if you can (where the initial sound is the same for both words, eg, finicky flamingo).
Have fun!
Please remember to practise your spellings and to read your book for at least 15 minutes every day:
Spellings W/B 23/3/2020
Year 3 spellings |
Year 4 spellings |
bicycle biplane bisect bilingual biannual reappear redecorate reapply repay rebuild |
circle decide medicine exercise special cinema decimal accident city citizen |