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Snaith Primary School

Reception Classes

Welcome to Reception

Our class is a safe, friendly place where we work calmly and sensibly.

We are kind and helpful to others and always try to be polite and well mannered at all times.

We listen, share and take turns. Everyone aims to be happy and smiley.

We shine in all we do!

Our Wonderful Team

Our reception team is made up of two classes. The first is led by Miss Todd and Mrs McDermott and supported by the wonderful Mrs Spencer. The second class is led by Miss Papworth and Mrs Twist, which is supported by the amazing Mrs McKiernan. 

The teacher's work as a team to provide wonderful learning opportunities in their continuous provision, enabling children to developing their skills, knowledge and social skills in a playful and imaginative way. 

Important information

Reading in Reception 

Like the rest of our school, we follow the Read Write Inc scheme for our phonics teaching. Each day the children will take part in a 30-minute lesson which is targeted to the needs of their group. Each term the children will be assessed, which will inform the teaching in the following term. During the session, the children will revisit previous sounds learnt, be introduced to a new sound and will take part in a group reading session. These books will be read in the group on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and then sent home with a library book for the child to read at home Wednesday to Sunday. 

To ensure all books can be checked and exchanged we ask that book packs are brought back to school every MONDAY and will be returned to you on WEDNESDAY.

P.E. Lessons in Reception

Miss Papworth and Mrs Twist's class have P.E. lessons on a Thursday.

Miss Todd and Mrs McDermott's class have P.E. lessons on a Friday.

We ask that all children come to school in their P.E. kit on their P.E. day.






PE day - We do PE on Tuesday. Please come to school in your PE kit on this day.