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School Uniform

Our smart school uniform is so often commented on by visitors and the general public when we are out and about. The uniform is requested by governors and staff to promote a sense of pride, identity, unity and belonging. This consists of:

Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan - we strongly encourage this to be with school logo.

Black or grey trousers/skirt/shorts

Pale blue polo shirt (logo optional)

White, grey or black socks or tights

School shoes (NO trainers)

Optional: blue and white checked summer dresses

Reversible Fleece jacket with logo (optional)


Red P.E shorts (no other colours)

White T-shirt – (with or without red school name)

Black joggers (no logos/branding) - for colder days

Plimsolls/trainers (preferably black)

Children come to school wearing their PE clothes on their specific PE day.

Ensuring our behaviour is outstanding means having consistently high expectations of good manners, respect and "whole schoolness". We would be grateful if you would read on to check the following.

  • Children wear black or grey trousers, skirts, pinafores. Black or grey shorts may be worn but only if they are just above the knee. Short shorts are not part of school uniform. Tights should be grey or black. Socks should be grey, black or white. 
  • During the summer months blue checked dresses with white socks can be worn. 
  • Long hair should always be tied back. Elastic bands may be handed out in school if not.
  • Hair should not be shaved, spiked in the middle, or have tramlines. 
  • Headbands should be small and in school colours (no big floral decorations please).
  • Hair should be of a natural colour and all styles to be conservative. 
  • School shoes should be black. Trainers should only be worn for P.E. lessons. 
  • Please check all uniform is named. The "lost property" box is growing - and gets worse in the summer term when children regularly take off jumpers and cardigans!
  • Children are allowed to wear only stud earrings, which are to be removed or covered with tape during P.E. lessons, and a watch. Other forms of jewellery are not part of our school uniform and can pose a risk in some circumstances. 

I do hope you will understand that these rules are to ensure we keep up our outstanding reputation for appearance and presentation. We also point out to the children that adherence to these rules shows respect. 

While the school has carefully considered the uniform to ensure it is inclusive, we respect that from time to time and for a particular need, cultural or religious reason, adjustments or modification may need to be made. We ask that in this event you contact the headteacher who would welcome discussing this with you.  

Please find links below for our official uniform suppliers.

Staying Local

‘Clothes for Little People ‘ in Goole have a stock of uniform in various sizes for you to try and buy.

The Uniform Shop Goole


My Clothing 

You can also purchase uniform from at www.myclothing.com. My Clothing Limited is the UK’s  largest provider of school wear.  https://myclothing.com

Pre Loved Uniform

Our PTA also has very good quality second-hand uniform for sale. Please contact them on snaithpta@hotmail

We are currently negotiating with a provider able to support sustainable clothing and hope to update you on this soon. 

Please can I also remind you to label your child’s uniform and shoes.  Our lost property box is currently overflowing, please come in and check if you do have any missing uniform.