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Learning at home

We appreciate any help that you are able to give your children to support them in practising their learning and/or extending their learning at home. 

Nursery and Reception Classes use the 'Evidence Me' app to share with parents learning taking place in their classes and any home tasks. 

Year 1 to Year 6 use the Class Dojo app to share with parents the learning taking place in class and also homework tasks that are set. (No more losing the work on the way home!) 

We encourage children to practise reading their books daily and also their spellings. 

To support all of our children there are a number of apps that we subscribe to that children have their own logins for, enabling them to them at home and at school. These include the following:

 Oxford Owls - Reception (as appropriate during the school year) - Y1 and Y2.  These are online books that compliment the schools reading scheme.

 Reading Plus - Y2 (as appropriate) to Y6. This is an online reading library that adjusts to children's reading level and supports the development of fluency. 

 Spelling Frame - Y1-6  an app allowing children to practise spellings.

NumBots - Y1 and Y2 - an app to help children practise basic number skills and procedural fluency. 

 Timetable Rockstars - Y3- Y6 - for timetable practise.

 All of the above enable children to practise their skills with independence as well as with support from families. These apps can be used by children if they are at home recovering from an illness and are well enough to do so. 

 If for any reason children are required to work at home remotely, Eg. due to school closure, along with children being able to access the apps above, work will be posted on the Class Dojo by the class teacher. 

If children are off school due to illness, other than long term illness where agreed procedures may be in place, work will not be set by the class teachers as we respect that children not well enough to be in school are not well enough to work. 

For simplicity - all the above apps can be accessed by links on 'Our Schools App'.