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Attendance & Punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality support the route to a good education. 

Last Year (2022-23) our attendance figures for the year were 96% overall.  

We are always working hard, together with our parents, to make sure that this is maintained and even improved upon.

Our school is committed to improving achievement through attendance. As I am sure you will agree, regular attendance ensures our children receive the maximum benefit from education.

We, and the Local Authority, monitor closely the attendance of all of our pupils, particularly any pupil who falls below 97%. Each term we will send out information letters to parents.  These will notify you if your child’s attendance and highlight attendances that fall below the expected figure.  We believe it is important that we keep working together to improve any attendance which falls below 97%.

As in everything we do, we have high expectations for good attendance and punctuality!

Doors open from 8.45am and school starts at 8:55am each morning. Registration and morning tasks take place in the first few minutes in class, so punctuality is important.

We do celebrate good attendance - Award cards are given to children who achieve 100% 

Absence through illness or medical appointments

If your child is ill, we ask that you please ring the office on the morning of each day of absence. As always you are very welcome to consult with us for advice on attendance with certain conditions. Please note that we ARE happy to administer prescribed medicines (if prescribed 4 times a day) and or paracetamol in single dose form but these need to be signed in at the school office. If for any reason your child is not at school and we haven't received a message we will make a courtesy call home to you to ensure your child is safe.

Taking Holidays during Term Time is Unauthorised.

From June 2013, schools no longer have any authority to authorise absence for a family holiday during term time. Any such absence is unauthorised and may incur a Penalty Notice. (Please see Penalty Notice policy below.)  In the event of a family deciding to take a holiday during term time an ‘Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances’ form must be completed and submitted to school with sufficient time to enable the school to consider the request and inform parents of the decision.

More information with regard to this can be found below.

Absence from School In Exceptional Circumstance

The schools ‘Absence from School in Exceptional Circumstances’ policy follows the Local Authority Policy. It details the circumstances in which the Headteacher may authorise an absence.   An ‘Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances’ must be completed and submitted to school with sufficient time to enable the school to consider the request and inform parents of the decision.

When considering absence for a Family Wedding, the school’s policy is:

Where an absence is requested to attend the wedding of a family member in the UK up to two days may be granted as authorised. If the wedding is outside the UK up to 3 days will be granted as authorised. The local authority do not authorise any absence for a wedding of a parent.