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Mrs Schmidt's and Mrs Johnson's Class

Our Class Mission Statement

We want our class to be kind, helpful and friendly. We all shine!

So we promise to...

  • Be respectful to one another
  • Try our best
  • Share and care because we are all friends
  • Work as a team
  • Look after our classroom and resources
  • Use outstanding manners.
  • Look after each other. 
  • Never give up!
  • Shine brightly! 

Our Class Team

Miss Timney and Miss Todd share the role of class teacher. Miss Timney works in class on a Monday and Tuesday and Miss Todd is our teacher on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The teachers and children in our class are supported brilliantly by the wonderful Mrs Selkirk.


In our class, children are expected to bring in their reading books every Monday. Books will be changed and sent home again on a Tuesday to give plenty of opportunity for children to practise throughout the week. Children who have a record in their reading record book to show that they have read their books 4 times in a week are entered into a prize draw. Remember you have to be in it to win it!

In addition to their reading books, all key stage 1 children also have access to ‘oxford owl’ to support their reading journey (if you need a reminder of your child’s log in details please ask and we will be happy to provide this). Children will use Oxford Owl at school to develop confident and motivated readers. We encourage children to also use this at home – it is a great resource that enables children to practise reading independently and access books in line with their phonic level. 


We are very grateful for all extra support that you give with your child's spelling as a strong partnership between home and school definitely helps to get the best results! Children’s spelling books are included in their reading pack, and we ask that these are returned along with reading books each Monday. Spellings will be tested and reset ready to be sent home again on a Tuesday. Children are set 10 spellings each week and will progress through the spelling programme. Spellings focus on common exception words and spelling rules in line with the curriculum. 

Our key stage one spelling programme follows the national curriculum spellings and incorporates common exception words and year one and two spelling patterns. A full list of key stage one spellings can be found on our home learning page.


We have P.E. on a Monday, with Mrs Clarkson while Miss Timney teaches Mrs Clarkson's class Music, and Wednesday with Mrs Gilson. Please could children come to school wearing a suitable outdoor P.E. kit. This includes leggings/jogging bottoms/shorts as well as your school P.E. T-shirt and a normal Snaith Primary School jumper or cardigan. Children may also come to school wearing trainers on this day.

Maths Homework

In our school we use ‘NumBots’ to help children gain skills they need to support them as they progress through the Mathematics curriculum. We encourage children to use NumBots at home as this is a fun and engaging way of practising basic maths skills and reinforcing what is being taught in class. 

We also complete 'Big Maths' 'CLIC' and 'Learn It's' tests each week. 

  • Learn It tests are designed to help children increase their rapid recall skills. These are timed tests which encourage children to practise their recall skills so that they can answer all questions within 30 seconds (KS1 tests). When a child scores 100% for 2 weeks in a row they will then move up to the next level.
  • CLIC tests (counting, Learn it’s, It’s nothing new and calculation) cover a range of skills and help children to retain previously taught skills over time by giving experience of different questions including skills such as counting, recalling fact families, doubles and halves, identifying and ordering numbers and addition and subtraction. These tests are not timed.

Each week your child will bring home their completed ‘CLIC’ and ‘Learn It’s’ test papers. Please take the opportunity to celebrate your child’s success – an increased score by even 1 mark is an achievement that can be celebrated! Any questions which your child is not yet able to answer correctly can be practised to help them in beating their score the following week.

In addition to this, year two also have access to Timestables Rockstars which can be used as we begin to focus on learning times tables during the year, to help develop rapid recall of timetables skills.  


All also have their own personal logins for Doodle. This is a fantastic resource for communicating and for the children to practise learning essential facts in a fun and exciting way online. Children may access Doodle from school or as part of their homework, using their individual login details.  

Please contact us if you have any questions about Doodle.