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Pupil Premium 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Funding and Aims 2020-21

Our priorities and how we will use our pupil premium funding


Pupil premium is additional funding for schools to support them in raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to diminish the difference between them and their peers.

For 2020/21 the Government have allocated £1345 per pupil for deprivation, £310 per pupil for service children and £2345 per pupil for post looked after children.

Total Funding 2020/21 


Number on Roll

303 (excluding nursery)

Number of Pupil Premium children


Proportion of disadvantage pupils   
Publish date December 2020
Review date November 2021
Statement authorised by Helen Calpin
Pupil Premium Lead Helen Calpin
Governor Lead Victoria Chesworth

Following careful evaluation of the attainment and progress of children of disadvantage in 2020/21 through discussion with children, their families, statutory and non-statutory data the following priorities have been identified for the academic year 2020/21.



Cost (Rounded)

Intended Impact  

Emotional needs  

 ELSA support – timetabled AM sessions 



Children supported emotionally more able to access learning. Or sign posts made to other services and provision to support the child and family

Reading Plus learning support 

 Reading Plus – purchased for all children – cost per pupil

Improve pupil 


 Children make rapid progress with reading fluency, including when learning from home. Increased reading of a range of of text and text types. 

All children provided with access to technology to access learning at home and increased opportunities in school as required. 

Children provided with school resources as required 

Gov received computers -   allocated as required. 

Children’s learning not inhibited by lack of access to equipment. 

Progress meetings to review data and pupil progress 

To identify the impact of teaching, learning and interventions and establish precision teaching interventions as required to accelerate learning and quickly address gaps in learning.  


Gaps in learning are swiftly identified and action to support taken to ensure pupils make good and outstanding progress. 

RWI – 

To have access to online videos and interventions for delivery in school or for parents to be able to access at home to support parents to support children. 

1:1 support including from Ruth Miskin team 


Basic phonics skills developed, and children attaining at least in line with Age Related Expectations.

Support with learning at home in Maths though online tools.

Online learning programmes 

Doodle and 

Timetable Rockstars


Children maintaining basic skills and Age Related Expectation. 

To support children’s learning including across the curriculum developing high self-esteem and self-confidence, leading to increased aspiration and work ethic. 


I:1 in class support facilitated. 


Highly skilled teachers to deliver interventions and boost motivation.


Children confident and able to access learning across the curriculum. Motivated and aspirational leading to attaining at least ARE and good/outstanding progress from respective starting points. 

To improve the quality of basic skills literacy/numeracy skills through specific intervention programmes outlined below.

Specific and targeted interventions 

Beat Dyslexia programme

1:1 daily intervention by designated adult   Read Write Ink – additional support. 

TA supported work 

Specific spelling interventions. 

Handwriting support strategies. 

1:1 support – specific intervention programmes, including for GT children. 

In class support.

Challenge clubs (including some digital media)



For children to make good progress from starting points towards Age Related Expectations by the end of the year.








September 2020

Book audit of pupils with a designation of disadvantage.

November  2020

Discussion with pupils – Pupil progress meetings.

January 2020

Data audit.

Feb  2021

Intervention observations.

March 2021

Data audit.

Book audit and discussions with staff and children.

April 2021

Discussions with Pupil progress meetings.

June 2021

Data audit and evaluations.