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Sport Premium 2019-2020

Spending Review for 2019/20

For the Academic Year 2019-20 here at Snaith Primary School, we received a lump sum of:  

£16,000 plus £10 per child.     In total £18,671

How we used the Sports Premium?

At Snaith Primary School we used our Sports Premium funding with the aim of:

  • Continuing to engaging children in a range of PE across the school including at competitive level 1 and 2. Fostering our sporting stars of the future.
  • Enhancing staff training to ensure quality teaching.
  • Providing extracurricular provision to promote active and healthy lifestyles with a focus on healthy bodies- healthy minds.

We used the money to ensure that children of all abilities recognise the enjoyment and health benefits of sport, giving them the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of different sporting skills beyond the mainstream, as well as promoting and providing opportunities for the most able to have access to high-quality competition. In addition to the Sports Premium funding, our school also provided a range of lunchtime and after school clubs arranged by staff in their own time.

Snaith Primary School – Spending Review - Sports Premium Budget 2019-20


What we provided

Target sport

Cost/ timescale  


Continued participation in the Sports Partnership, which includes inter and intra-school Competition.

Opportunity for pupils  to Participate in interschool competitions.

Competitions identified below – in school in preparation for interschool competition 



SLE £3,900

All children had the opportunity to participate in extra sport and compete against other schools in our local area.


Planned competitions for 2019-20:

Cross Country  Y3-6

Football Y5/6

Table Tennis Y5/6

Hockey Y5/6

Indoor Athletics Y3-6

Dodgeball Y3/4

Benchball Y3/4

Swimming Y5/6

Orienteering Y4/5/6

Tag Rugby Y5/6

Tri-Golf Y5/6

Mini Tennis Y3-6

Drax Cricket Y4

Kwik Cricket Y5/6

Rounders Y5/6

Transport costs Estimated


All KS 2 children had the opportunity to take part in competitions. The gifted and talented children have had the opportunity to challenge their skills against advanced competition in an array of sports over the school year.



What we provided

Target sport/


Cost/ timescale  


Bursary to organise sporting events

Team sports


Many sporting events successfully organised throughout the course of the year which provided fantastic opportunities for chn.

Attendance of the SSCo Meetings at South Hunsley School and to officiate sporting events



SSCO has high level of understanding and shared practice, skills, knowledge, expertise with staff and children.



What we provided

Target sport


Cost/ timescale  


Broadening sporting opportunities at KS1

KS1 multi-skills

Boot Camp

Scooter training Y2




Broadened the experience of a range of sports and activities offered

Opportunity to receive training from a sports specialist at a sporting venue.


Goole tennis club Y3


Swimming Y3/4 (+Y5/6 booster)

Transport costs


Including transport costs.



High quality training lead to uptake of the sport.

Most children achieved NC expectation of Level 2.

Specialist tuition

Yorkshire Cricket Club

Y 3/4



Children improved problem-solving skills in the outdoor environment. Some children represented our school at level 2 and progressed to level 3 tournament.

Two Yorkshire Cricketers Assembly






KS2 children had the opportunity to listen to, ask and answer questions. Be inspired to take up cricket. Clear message – you can achieve your dreams and goals, work hard.


Hiring of specialist equipment


Outdoor Adventure Challenge

 Rec - Y6


Spring Term

All children took an active part in challenges and problem solving to enhance other areas of the curriculum and mindset.

Staff CPD


Train staff in Active Maths, Young Leader Games


All staff were trained in a variety of new and exciting activities. 

Purchase of high quality equipment for Sport and PE in school.

Table tennis bats


Large plastic balls

Hockey sticks

Large air balls

Rounders balls

Cricket balls

Cricket bats

Football goals


Netball posts


Netball bibs

Table tennis bats

Table tennis balls

Tennis balls

Tennis Rackets





All staff and pupils to have access to a wide range of equipment enabling all children to fully participate in lessons in a wide variety of sports.

Also to be used for extracurricular activities.

High quality environment Safety of resources and line marking  £1,270 Line markings in place for sports days etc, equipment safe to use. 




Extra Curricula

What we provided

Target sport/


Cost/ timescale  


Employment of Sports leader at lunchtimes.

Active Healthy Lifestyles and well -being.


Engage children in a range of sporting activities to increase healthy lifestyle attitudes as well as social integration and well-being.

Training of Play Leaders


Active Healthy Lifestyles and wellbeing


The children were trained during Shine Time

Children enthused as role models, younger children actively engage in sporting challenges at playtime, promoting healthy attitudes, physically and mentally. 

Improvement of outdoor playtime sporting equipment and facilities

Mini wireless projector £100

Small laptop (£200) 



Increased active participation in sporting activities for recreational enjoyment. Improving welfare, well-being, behaviour and social interaction.





TOTAL = £18,670

Due to Covid 19 the highlighted activities did not take place.


Therefore £3,730 will be carried forward to the next academic year.

In addition to the sports funding, please see below a list of clubs provided by staff to promote sport and healthy living, open to children of all abilities and provided free by our dedicated team.

Football Y5/6, girls football Y2-5, cricket KS1 and KS2, benchball Y4, dodgeball Y3-6, Hockey Y6, table-tennis Y5/6, roundersY6, indoor athleticsY4-6, cross countryY3-6, netball Y5/6 and multi-skills R-Y2.


Children also run sporting clubs under the supervision of staff. These include:

  • Multiskills Y5 running for R, Y1 and Y2
  • Dance Y6 to run for all years
  • Dodgeball Y6 to run for R, Y1 and Y2
  • Snaith Primary School Year 6 Swimming Results March 2019. Due to the global pandemic these figures were unable to be obtained for 2020.
  • National curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety 

Percentage of current Year 6 cohort who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m


Percentage of current Year 6 cohort who can use a range of strokes effectively


Percentage of current Year 6 cohort who can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 
