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W/B 9/11/20

Hello boys and girls! We hope you are okay and keeping safe at home. We are missing your big smiley faces.


This week we are going to be learning about lots of exciting thing starting with the Hindu festival 'Diwali'. Please follow the link below where you can find out lots of facts about the festival. Attached below is a powerpoint that also has lots of information about Diwali, can you have a look through it with a grown up?


Can you create your own rangoli pattern using different resources? The purpose of rangoli is to feel strength, generosity, and it is thought to bring good luck. You may want to paint a patter, use seeds, rice, colouring pencils or spices. We have attached a range of patterns below if you wish to use one of these, or you can design your own. 

It is traditional during Diwali for body art to be drawn onto the hands and arms. This type of body art is called mehndi. It is said to be a good luck charm. Can you use lots of different shapes and patterns to create your own mehndi patter on the hand outline attached below? We have attached some images for you to have a look at and give you some inspiration. 

Remembrance Day  

Thinking about Remembrance Day, can you watch the following video and discuss with a grown up what you think the video is telling us. Why is Remembrance day so important?


How did the video make you feel? Can you think of a time when you felt happy, worried, scared, excited? Can you record your thoughts down with a grown up. write a simple sentence and draw a picture of a time when you have experienced one of these emotions. 

Can you think of a way of producing your own poppy artwork? You could use finger paints and create a field of poppies, you could cut up paper and make a collage, you could even use junk modelling to make a 3D poppy. we'd love to see what you come up with!

Thinking about the heroes from the war as we remember them on remembrance day, can you think of someone who may be a hero to you? It maybe someone that helps you, it maybe someone from the war, it maybe someone working for the nhs, it maybe someone that cares for you or looks after you. Using the template below can you design a medal for your hero. 

Children in Need

Why do we have children in need? Watch the link and have a look through the powerpoint attached below. 

With a grown up, talk about what things you are grateful for. Create a house out of lolly sticks, straws or drawn and draw and label the things you are thankful for (food in the fridge, a warm bed, a family who loves you etc.).

Can you create a bandanna for pudsey bear on a piece of paper? We'd like you to create a repeating pattern when doing so. You might want to use two or three colours.  

Using the template added below, can you create your own pudsey bear mask?


Please see last weeks home learning for guidance from the Read Write Inc website on how to correctly pronounce speed sounds and how they can be blended for reading.

In phonics we will review the speed sounds and red words we already know: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l

Red words: I, my, the, to 

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Xk1kF6KU/uv6SmsPn    h

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/ef5STdlu/Lgb4aR1F    r

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Tan3T4zt/FneOKmgZ  j

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/6IXP2WDp/IuJ7QloR  v

Please continue to practise your letter formation at home.