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Week Beginning 2.11.20

Hello boys and girls, we hope you have all had a wonderful half term and have enjoyed a nice break. This week we are going to be focusing on 'Bonfire Night'. To begin with, can you talk to a family member about what you know already know about bonfire night?


Attached below is a powerpoint to tell you all about Bonfire Night. Can you look through this with a grown up to learn some new facts and information. 


It is important to stay safe when celebrating Bonfire Night, can you think of a list of safety measures to take when your using sparklers, watching fireworks or having a bonfire?


With a grown up, can you research bonfire night and see if you can find any videos of different fireworks. Which are your favourite? What noises can you hear? What is your favourite colour? Can you (with help from a grown up) write a list of different sounds you can hear for example pop or bang. 


Can you complete the sheet attached below to name different things that you can see on Bonfire Night.  


For maths this week, please can you watch the following video introducing the number 4. 


Please can you carefully look through the powerpoint attached below and complete the activities names below 'Number 4 worksheet'. 


In phonics we will review the speed sounds and red words we already know:

m, a, s, d, t, I, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e.

‘I’ 'to' and 'the'

And learn the new sounds: e, l, h, r. Please focus on one sounds per day. 

Below are links to the Read Write Inc online lessons for this week:

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Ohh5SzAO/bUaQ8xmY - e

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/uP4mtuiQ/R68W1set -l

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/3l7tUqfq/9V6s7mtg -h 

https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/VymyVpTk/vUVCGIgJ -r