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HJ Y6 5/10/20 - 13/10/20


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We kindly ask that children do not bring in any of their work from home back into class, in order to minimise home/school contact.  

If you are still self-isolating and will not be returning to school this week, please use the attached link to access further home learning tasks and the math's activities for Wednesday through to Friday


Good morning class, your work for Tuesday the 13th October is outlined below:

Think of someone you admire, someone who inspires you who you would love to write about... they could be anyone; from a favourite celebrity, to a family member to even Mrs Calpin! Someone who you consider to be a God in your eyes... Thought of someone? It could be even the God you studied yesterday if you're struggling! We are going to turn them into a 'real life' God, with superpowers and everything! Be as creative as possible!

Now have a look at my WAGOLL example on 'Bielsa...the God of Yorkshire' and magpie some sentence starters and WOW words you may want to also use. Secondly, now you have decided on your 'God' and looked at my example... use the blank English planning sheet attached, 'Planning sheet chosen God', to note down:

-Description: How would you describe your God? What is their personality/ looks like? Can you use ambitious adjectives and varied sentence starters to make it engaging!
-What symbols are associated with them?! Can you add a simile for an extra challenge!
-What is their superpower- Use figurative language to 'paint the picture'
-Finally, how did they become a God? What was their childhood like and early career? Use time connectives and adverbials to upgrade!

*This task is very important because it will prepare you for your return to school, where we will be creating a mini SAGA on your chosen God. So please make sure you help yourselves and gather as much information as possible*

Additional to that, please complete:
1) Maths -Watch the video from White Rose on Roman Numerals https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/10672-2/
*This is a year 5 recap video, please pause it and complete the steps properly as we will be continuing Roman Numerals for the rest of the week in class!*
2) Maths - Complete the Doodle activity assigned once you have watched the video
3) Doodle English: Colon in a Sentence
4) Session 2 on Reading Plus

Keep on shining, and see most of you tomorrow!
Miss J

Good morning class, your work for Monday the 12th October is outlined below:

Your history task for Monday the 12th October is to research all about Saxon religion and a God of your choice! Download the worksheet below, 'History: Saxon God Worksheet' with further instructions!  The PowerPoint to assist with your research is attached, entitled 'Saxon Religion'. I can't wait to see what you produce - remember to share your work back to me on Class Dojo  - any problems with this please contact the school office and we will be happy to assist! 

In addition to your history task, please complete the following:

-Doodle English - Task on Colons to introduce a list
-Reading Plus- Session 1
-Maths- Today we are completing some reasoning style questions on the PowerPoint below (NOT on Doodle).
It is really important we keep on practising our reasoning skills; these questions are all based around place value, which we have been learning for the past few weeks. Please ask an adult to help you if you are struggling :)

Make sure to try your hardest,
Miss J

P.S this week's spellings are on 'Ably'. List is below! 

Good Morning class, your work for Friday the 9th October is outlined below: 

First of all, it's been a busy week learning from home, so time to release some endorphins and get moving! Why not start your day with some fitness, as my step counts been shockingly low this week... It can be anything, from: 'keepie uppies', to trampolining, Tik Tok dances or (for the brave) Joe Wicks! Send in your videos and Picollages to make me smile!

Secondly, please complete the attached worksheet entitled 'RE Pilgrimage Comprehension' - there are 10 questions based around a diary of a visit to Bethlehem. Remember, a pilgrimage is a special journey a religious person may undertake to learn something about themselves and reconnect with their God!

Please remember to also complete:

-Doodle Maths: Rounding Numbers for Accuracy

-Doodle Spell: Spell ie 

-Reading Plus Session 5

-Session on Rockstars 

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss J


Good Morning class, your work for Thursday the 8th October is outlined below: 

Today we are conducting a Science experiment to see what affect sugar (acting as catalyst) has on the chemical process of fermentation.... or simply put... a 'Yeast Race'!

The method and key ingredients you will need are listed in the document attached - 'Yeast Race Instructions' - please remember that both cups and their contents need to be the same; the only variable we are changing is that one cup will have a sugar solution in, to ensure the test is 'fair'.

Once you have collected your equipment, measured your ingredients and set up your race, make sure to measure both cup's starting heights at 0 minutes, then again every 3 minutes up to 21 minutes! Whilst you are waiting for your mixtures to rise, you can be filling in the Science worksheet attached, 'Yeast Race Worksheet' !

Finally, once you have calculated each height up to 21 minutes, and decided on your winner... complete the challenge - is yeast alive? So, having watched the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2HDJP10qSQ and looked through the PowerPoint (Mrs Nerg Living Things) ... what do we think... is yeast alive? Try and use as much scientific vocabulary as possible in your explanation!

Additionally, please complete
1) Doodle Maths - Solving Number and Practical Problems
2) Doodle SPELL - spell ei
3) Reading Plus Session 4

4) Session On rockstars!

Enjoy exploring! 

Miss J 


Good Morning class, your work for Wednesday the 7th October is outlined below: 

Today's task is a writing one... remember that website I showed you called 'Pobble 365' where they upload a new photograph everyday? Well please complete the 4 tasks on the attached PDF, 'Pobble 365 English Tasks'. We have already done the GPS one for inserting commas; so follow the other four literacy activities on the worksheet for the rest!

Alternatively, if you would like to choose a different photograph of your own, you can do! I like this one of the old vs new -
You can scroll along the website and choose one image which captures your imagination...but don't spend all day doing it as you have lots of writing to be getting on with! You can then scroll down underneath the picture and download the PDF for further instructions for that chosen image! I love this website and hope you will do too!

There is a secret, additional code breaking task on Class Dojo- so log onto there to access it for yourselves!

Finally, don't forget to complete your:
1) Doodle Maths: Adding Negative Numbers
2) Doodle English: Formal & Informal Vocab
3) Reading Plus: Session 3

4) Session on Rockstars

P.S On Thursday we're doing a wacky science experiment involving flour, sugar and yeast -so check to see if you have those ingredients in please!

Keep shining,
Miss J


Good Morning class, your work for Tuesday the 6th October is outlined below: 

Today we are building on what we have learnt about Saxon kingdowns, to design our own Saxon settlement for History! Can you research what life was like for early Saxon settlers, before designing your own village? Please download the PDF's below, 'Saxon Settlement info & Instructions' and powerpoint on 'Village Life', then follow the steps on there! Further ideas have been added to our Class Dojo page; where the children can comment and message for further questions and to share their wonderful final pieces! 

Today your online learning tasks are as follows: 

-Doodle Maths: 'Rounding up to 1,000, 000'

- Doodle English: 'Antonyms'

-2nd session on Reading Plus 

-Session on Rockstars

Can't wait to hear from you over on Class Dojo! 


Miss J 


Good Morning class, your work for Monday the 5th October is outlined below: 

Today we will be kickstarting this week with Geography; exploring where, and why,  the Saxon's chose to settle in Britain. Please download the PDF's below ,'Map of Anglo Saxon Britain' & 'Anglo Saxon Place Chart', then complete the steps on there! Further instructions have been added to our Class Dojo Page; I will be checking on there regularly for any queries and questions you may have relating to this task. 

I can't wait to see a photograph of your finished map on Class Dojo! Remember to use your online learning platforms too for Maths & English- Today they are:

-Doodle Maths - Numbers to a Million  

-Doodle English -Synonyms 

-1st Session on Reading Plus

-Session on Rockstars 

Your spellings for this week are attached below - get ready for a test for when we return to school! 

Take care, 

Miss J