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Sports Premium 2017-2018

Sport at Snaith

Here at Snaith Primary School we promote the participation and enjoyment of PE and sport for every child in school and work hard to provide high quality physical education (PE) lessons and extra-curricular activities.

As a school, through our commitment and desire to improve extra-curricular opportunities, we have been able to increase not only the level of participation in competitive sport, but also encourage those pupils who had not previously engaged in such activities to take an active role.  As well as increasing pupil confidence levels, it has also enabled us to enjoy many successes in this field.  We have also seen children in KS2 offer to run sporting clubs and thus spread their enthusiasm as effective and encouraging sporting role models.

Our school is a Sports Partnership member and our Sports Leader holds the role of SSCO for the local schools cluster. The Partnership enables a network of schools to work collaboratively and which includes local primary schools, our Secondary School here in Snaith and South Hunsley Secondary school.  Through this we access a sporting calendar which includes local competitions, county competitions and continuing professional development for staff across the schools.

What is the Sports Premium?

This year the government has continued to increase funding schools to enhance and improve the provision of physical education (PE), sport and pupil well-being in primary schools.

For the Academic Year 2017-18 here at Snaith Primary School we shall receive a lump sum of:  

£16,000 plus £10 per child.     In total £19,140

How do we intend to use the Sports Premium ?

At Snaith Primary School we will use our Sports Premium funding with the aim of:

  • Continuing to engaging children in a range of PE across the school including at competitive level 1 and 2. Fostering our sporting stars of the future.
  • Enhancing staff training to ensure quality first teaching.
  • Providing extracurricular provision to promote active and healthy lifestyles with a focus on healthy bodies- healthy minds.

We use money to ensure that children of all abilities recognise the enjoyment and health benefits of sport, giving them opportunity to take part in a wide variety of different sporting skills beyond mainstream, as well as promoting and providing opportunities for the most able to have access to high quality competition. This includes, in addition to the Sport Premium funding, our school also providing a range of lunchtime and afterschool clubs arranged by staff in their own time.

Snaith Primary School – Sports Premium Budget 2017-18


What we are providing

Target sport/

Yr group



Expected Impact












Continued participation in the Sports Partnership,

which includes inter

and intra-school


Competitions identified below – in school in preparation for interschool competition 


All children will

have the

opportunity to

participate in extra

sport and compete

against other

schools in our local


Opportunity for pupils  to

Participate in interschool competitions.

Planned competitions for


Cross Country  Y3-6

Football Y5/6

Table Tennis Y5/6

Hockey Y5/6

Indoor Athletics Y3-6

Dodgeball Y3/4

Bench ball Y3/4

Swimming Y5/6

Orienteering Y4/5/6

Tag Rugby Y5/6

Quad kids Y3-6

Tri-Golf Y5/6

Mini Tennis Y3-6

Drax Cricket Y4

Kwik Cricket Y5/6

Rounders Y5/6

Transport costs



All KS 2 children to have opportunity to take part in competitions

Bursary to organise sporting events

Team sports


To ensure school has access to a wide range of

Attendance of the SSCo Meetings at South Hunsley School and to officiate sporting events



SSCO has high level of understanding to share in practice with staff and children.











Broadening sporting opportunities at KS 1

Boot camp Y1/2

Scooter training Y2

Multi skills


To broaden the experience of a range of sports and activities offered

Opportunity to receive training from a sports specialist at a sporting venue.

Goole tennis club Y3

Transport costs


High quality training leading to uptake of the sport.

Specialist tuition

Swimming Y3/4

Including transport costs.


All children to achieve NC expectation of Level 2.

Yorkshire Cricket club  Y


Children to improve problem solving skills in the outdoor environment.

Football coach Y2


Rugby Coach Y5


Hiring of specialist equipment

Problem solving

OAA trailer  Yr R - 6


Autumn Term

All children to take an active part in challenges and problem solving to enhance other areas of the curriculum and mind set.

Employment of the services of specialists coaches



Pupil progress to be enhanced as a result of high quality teaching.

All staff receive quality CPD from skilled qualified PE coach.

Increased participation in after school sports clubs

Purchase of high quality

equipment for Sport and PE in school.

Table tennis




 All staff and pupils to have access to a wide range of equipment enabling all children to fully participate in lessons in a wide variety of sports.

Also to be used for extra curricular activities.

Purchase of scheme material  for to be used by all children during ‘Shine time’



Improve the mental health and well being of all children in school, introducing children to alternative forms of exercise and

Purchase of Gymnastic award scheme



To improve the delivery of gymnastics, promote engagement in

















Employment of Sports leader at lunchtimes.

Active Healthy Lifestyles and wellbeing


Engage children in a range of sporting activates to increase healthy lifestyle attitudes as well as social integration and well-being.

Training of Play Leaders

Active Healthy Lifestyles and wellbeing


Children enthused and as role models, enthusing younger children to actively engaged in sporting challenges at playtime, promoting healthy attitudes, physically and mentally. 

Improvement of outdoor playtime sporting equipment and facilities

Dance  music/projection equipment.

Playground markings with sporting targets, and zoned/designated areas to encourage more and safe sports/exercise at playtimes.


Increase active participation in sporting activities for recreational enjoyment. Improving welfare, well-being, behaviour and social interaction.

In addition to the sports funding, please see a list of clubs provided by staff to promote sport and healthy living, open to children of all abilities and provided free by our dedicated team.

Football Y5/6, CricketY4-6, Bench ball Y4, dodgeball Y3-6, unihocY6, Table-tennisY5/6, RoundersY6, indoorathleticsY4-6, cross countryY3-6, Circuiut trainingY2-6, Multi skillsY1, Fit’n’club Y3/4, Change4 life Y3-4, DanceY3

Children also run sporting clubs under the supervision of staff. These include.

  • Multiskills Y3 running for R &Y1
  • Dance Y6 to run for all years
  • Dodgeball Y6 to run for YR