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Review of Pupil Premium Spend 2016/17


The following table shows our historic pupil premium figures.


Total Pupil Premium Funding


£55,844 initial budget.

£60,495 allocated







At Snaith Primary School disadvantaged pupils generally make at least good progress from their starting points. Where any child makes less than good progress the school is quick to action support and interventions to ensure that differences diminish, welfare needs are met and positive progress is enabled and accelerated.

Impact of Pupil Premium Funding for 2016-17

Total Funding 2016/17 


Number on Roll


Number of Pupil Premium children


Statutory data

Attendance of pupils 

Free School Meals = 94.7%         Pupil Premium = 95.21%           All pupils = 96.83%


Number of children

School Pupil Premium Data 2017

All Children Nationally 2017



67% attained

(69% 2016)

(2017 not yet available)

Y1 Phonics  


100% achieved the standard

(81% 2016)

(2017 not yet available)

Y2 Phonics  


100% achieved the standard (Nb. Children who didn’t pass have Educational Health Care Plans/Statements of Need)

(81% All children nationally 2016)

(83% Non Disadvantaged Nationally



(2017 not yet available)

End of KS1 




100% Reading exp. standard  

67% Writing exp. standard   

67% Maths exp. standard                   

(74% All Nat.)  

(78% Non Dis Nat. 2016)

(65% All Nat.)  

(70% Non Dis. Nat. 2016)

(73% All Nat.)  

(77% Non Dis. Nat 2016)


(2017 not yet available)

End of KS2  



50% MidPhaseEntry

60% multiple disadvantage Welfare/SEND



67% Reading, 


33% Maths 

78% GPS

33% Combined


Pupil premium progress

National for all = 0

Reading Sch = 1.10

(National non disad. 0.33)

Writing Sch = 4.85

(National non disad. = 0.17)

Maths sch = -0.09

(National non disad. = 0.28)


ALL  (NON DISAD)           

71% (77%)Reading

76% (81%) Writing  

75% (80%) Maths   

77% (82%) GPS

61%  Combined   


Results / impact

Interventions / support


See data above.

RWI phonics

Small group maths focused interventions.


Year 1

3 out of 4 children achieved ARE in reading with 1 out of 4 children achieving GDS.

Phonics percentages for disadvantaged pupils in year 1 were 100%

Pupil premium attainment is above non pupil premium with good and outstanding progress


Read/write inc phonics intervention – targeted group work

Handwriting intervention

Year 2

See statutory data above.

Rocking Readers

Write away together

Phonics intervention

1:1 reading sessions

Year 3

Pupil premium children data:

62% of children are at ARE or GDS.

Progress from

92% of children making good or better progress from their Y2 in Reading and writing and 100% in Maths.


Children with multiple disadvantages e.g SEND who did not attain ARE have shown progress on PIVAT scores.


In addition there have been Improved social behaviours and welfare needs well supported.


Maths intervention

Lunchtime homework club

Reading intervention

Writing intervention



Daily phonics session

Handwriting intervention

1:1 support for SEN children

More able pupils – high aspirational challenges through teaching to the top

Blog Club

Mathletics Club

Year 4

4 out of 8 children achieved ARE in reading, writing, maths


2/8 children are making slower than expected progress and will be a high priority for support and intervention in the next academic year.  Particular focus on aspiration.



Reading intervention

Maths intervention

Spelling intervention

1st class at number


More able pupils – high aspirational challenges through teaching to the top

Blog Club

Mathletics Club

Year 5

100% pupil premium children achieved ARE in reading, writing and maths.

50% achieved GDS in reading

100% achieved GDS in maths


Pupil premium attainment is well above in maths with outstanding progress. Attainment is broadly in line in reading and writing with good progress to secure and outstanding progress for the more able pupil premium exceeding.


Reading intervention

Write away together

More able pupils – high aspirational challenges through teaching to the top

Blog Club

Mathletics Club

Year 6

See statutory data above.

Read write inc intervention

Maths intervention

Write away together

1:1 Reading intervention


Small group focus maths boosters

Blog Club

Mathletics Club



In addition to data evidence identified above…

Children in receipt of Emotional support demonstrated greater self-confidence, focus in class and improved attitudes to learning (Evidence from - Lesson Observations/books)

Children were proud of their achievements – openly discussing the developments they had made and were clear about their own areas of progress and areas for development. (Evidence -discussions with pupils)

Any issues of attendance were addressed through careful liaison with the family – leading to increased engagement and willingness to learn.

Liaison with outside agency support – ensured children’s safeguarding needs were met and that children could attend school without worry and therefore could be more focused and ready to access learning.

All children taking part in enrichment activities to broaden their knowledge and experiences gained a greater sense of fulfilment.  Eg, The La La Land Comic Relief performance receving recognition and coverage on The National News and Radio Humberside.