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Monday 27th April

Hello everyone, please find below a shortened version of the learning ideas we uploaded earlier. We got a little bit too excited when planning and made our list a little long.

We hope the shorter version is more manageable and please remember that you don’t have to do everything, just what you can.

The Key Stage 1 team


This week we thought it would be fun to think about one of our

favourite Eric Carle stories:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Please remember, you can pick one activity

(or maybe even two activities) from the list below to do per day.

Please feel free to do what you want to do and when what you want to do it.

You may even have your own ideas for activities which is absolutely fine. 


The Very Hungry Caterpillar’

If we have provided any templates please do not feel that you have to use them. We have attached them only as examples.

  • Watch Mrs Clarkson read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle​​​​​​
  • Can you perform the story for your family? (maybe video call a relative and perform it for them)
  • You could retell the story (template below) in pictures or in full sentences.
  • You could draw each item of food that the caterpillar eats and label it?
  • If you were a caterpillar what would you eat? Could you re-write the story by changing what the caterpillar eats? Maybe he has a 'Happy Meal' on Monday, a pizza on Tuesday, etc
  • Write a book review (see examples of templates below)
  • Now the caterpillar has become a butterfly, what does the butterfly do each day? Imagine it begins its day in your own garden. Where does it go? What does it see? Can you write descriptive sentences about the butterfly’s journey?
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar maths activities (see below)
  • Can you keep a food diary – are you healthier than the caterpillar? (write down what you eat for each meal for 5 days)
  • Challenge yourself to try a new food (or maybe 2 or 3!): Do you think the caterpillar would like it? What do you think of it? What does it smell like? What does it taste like?
  • Find out about the life cycle of a butterfly (see PowerPoint below)
  • Caterpillar craft ideas (see ideas below) – pick one
  • Butterfly craft ideas (see below) – pick one
  • Balancing butterfly science experiment (see below)


* ‘Doodle Maths’ Extra and 5-a-day

* ‘Doodle English’ Extra and 5-a-day.

* Year 2 - Spend at least 10 minutes practising your times table rock star challenges at https://ttrockstars.com/

* Spellings (take a look at the tab on the right-hand side)

* You can access Read, Write, Inc Phonics resources at:


Speed sounds set 1 – Mrs Henderson’s Group

Speed sounds set 2 – Mrs Agar’s Group

Speed sounds set 3 – Mrs Clarkson’s Group, Mrs Stevenson’s Group and Mrs Selkirk’s Group

A new sound is premiered each morning at 9:30 but can be viewed at any time using the link above.