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Supporting emotional well-being.

How are you today? 

We all live in an extremely busy world. As adults and children, we are bombarded with social media, work and expectations. Sometimes, we just need permission to stop, reflect and ensure that we are looking after ourselves and each other.  

At Snaith Primary School the emotional wellbeing of children, parents and staff is of the greatest importance and we are committed to ensuring that children grow with an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, of how to keep their minds and bodies healthy and where to access help if and when needed. 

Stress is something that we all experience from time to time. It may surprise you to know that it isn't always a bad thing! We all have worries that come and go. That's life! Some of these challenges can concern us for a time. Ultimately, we will move forwards, having built resilience. (A little like when we have a cut, the wound heals and the area around that site becomes a little tougher, but the scar fades with time.) However, sometimes, those feelings can be overwhelming and begin to dominate our lives and we need a little help. 

Please see below tips and links to sites and resources that might be of help. 

Looking After Children's Mental Health

Listen to what your child says and how they're feeling

Children and young people may respond to stress in different ways. They may be more emotional (upset, anxious or angry) or behave differently (clingy, withdrawn or wet the bed). They may also have physical symptoms, like stomach ache, and problems sleeping.  Children and young people can feel less anxious if they are able to express themselves in a safe and supportive environment.  Stay calm – kids often take their emotional cues from the adults in their lives, so how you respond is important.

Listen to and acknowledge their concerns, speak kindly to them and answer any questions they have honestly. Give them extra love and attention if they need it.

Be clear about what's happening

Children and young people often understand more than we would 'like' to think, pick up on conversations, clues and the worries of those around them. Being honest with children, at an age appropriate level, will help them to understand difficult situations. Confusion and ambiguity often breeds more anxiety than the truth.  If you cannot answer all their questions or stop them from worrying, focus on listening to their feelings. This will help them feel supported.

Get active - Eat Healthy

It's important to try to build activity into kids' daily routine. Planning time outside is good for mental wellbeing and provides a great opportunity for children to connect with each other, connect with family and connect with nature.  This is something that does not need to cost anything, such as going for a simple walk, but can have massive benefits.  

Limit online/screen time.

Screen time, in itself is not a problem, but what children and adults are doing with it is.  Screen time such as watching TV can provide escapism, watching a programme together can encourage social interaction. However, 

Focusing on the Positives. 

It is very easy when your child is upset or anxious to focus on their anxieties. However, it is also important to encourage them to see what is good in their lives. Few problems and difficult times in life last, or cannot be solved. It is important to encourage children to see the great aspects they have in their lives, focus on the top three positives of the day (there could be more) and continue to find distractions to enjoy.  'Laughter is the best medicine', is not just an old tale. Laughter releases endorphins, a 'natural drug' which have a positive impact on our bodies and well-being. 

 Children and young people need good sleep

Sleep is so important for mental and physical health for everyone. Children and young people need good-quality sleep, so it's important to keep to existing bedtime routines.

 Look after your own mental health and get support

Remember to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing! You will give the best support to those you love if you can deal with things calmly and confidently.

For further advice on guidance in supporting children's emotional wellbeing can be found on the following useful links:

To Support Children

• Anxiety UK www.anxietyuk.org.uk OCD UK www.ocduk.org

• Depression Alliance www.depressoinalliance.org

• Eating Disorders www.b-eat.co.uk and www.inourhands.com

• National Self-Harm Network www.nshn.co.uk

• Self-Harm www.selfharm.co.uk

• Suicidal thoughts Prevention of young suicide UK – PAPYRUS: www.papyrus-uk.org

For general information and support

To Support Parents in supporting children

 Every Mind Matters  www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters

East Riding Mental Health Advice and Guidance www.eastridinghealthandwellbeing.co.uk

Young Minds – offers free resources to parents www.youngminds.org.uk

If you have an urgent concern - CAMHS (Child and adolescent mental health service). This service is for young people (under 18) who are experiencing and struggling to cope with acute emotional distress leading to a high level of mental health risk.  CAMHS Crisis Team 24 hour service: 01482 301701 – option 2.  If there is an immediate threat to life call 999

Looking After the Mental Health of Children with SEND

For children with additional needs some situations can be even more difficult to understand. For many children with additional needs routine is key, it may be helpful to create a visual outline of your daily routine which includes some work time, some active time and some relaxation time. The following links provide some helpful advice and resources to support children with additional needs. 

 Autism support includes   https://www.autism.org.uk   and/or    https://www.gingerbread.org.uk  

 CAMHS mental well-being support https://www.youngminds.org.uk

If your child is struggling to cope with their emotions you can contact school for further advice and support at:


Look After Your Own Mental Health

Remember it is important to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing too! Children and young people can react to what they see from the adults around them. When adults deal with a situation calmly and confidently, they are able to provide the best support for children and young people. Parents and carers can be more supportive to others around them, especially children, when they are better prepared.  There are lots of great free apps you can use to guide you through breathing techniques and meditation that can help ease your anxiety and clear your mind of anxious thoughts. Mind recommend the use of the 'Headspace' app.

Visit the sites below which give advice and actions to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing.:


The Education Hub – offers a range of resources and futher links.
