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Monday 20th April

Hello everyone.

Welcome back to ‘supporting learning at home’.

We hope you have all had a lovely Easter holiday and enjoyed the lovely weather.

This week our topic is:


  • Go on a ‘Spring’ hunt (template below)
  • Find your favourite plant/flower
  • Draw your favourite plant/flower
  • Paint your favourite plant/flower
  • Find out about the different parts of a plant (resource below)
  • Draw and label the parts of a plant
  • Grow your own seeds (cress, sunflower, beans, etc)
  • Write instructions for how to plant a seed
  • Help look after garden plants, garden pots, window pots, house plants
  • Create a poster to tell people how to look after a plant


  • Go for a ‘Spring’ walk and think about what you can see / hear / smell? Then when you get home, write down what you saw / heard / smelt in a list.
  • Could you then turn your list into a description about what you saw / heard / smelt on your spring walk.
  • Write an acrostic poem about spring (template below)


  • Spring themed maths (see below for ideas)


  • You could become a weather reporter!
  • Keep a weather diary for the week - Monday to Friday (see resource below)
  • You could write a weather report and illustrate it.
  • You could pretend to be a weather reporter and get a grown-up to film you giving a weather forecast! (background resource below!)


  • Make a bird feeder (see resources below)
  • Write instructions to tell somebody how to make a bird feeder
  • Create a tally of how many birds visit


As you may know, in our windows this week, it is time to display flowers alongside our rainbows. So why don't you have a go too.

(see below for some ideas - we've had great fun making them in our house)


We hope you enjoy our ‘Spring’ topic this week.


Please send in photos or videos of any activities / pieces of work that you do so we can share it on our website.

You can send it to:



In school we use an online subscription programme called 'Nessy' to support the children with their reading through games. The company have very kindly provided us with 60 days of free access for all of our Key Stage One children.

When you log on for the first time, you select the icon: ‘Nessy- reading and spelling’. It will then take your child through several 'games' that are actually assessing their reading level. After this has been completed, it will then provide your child with 'games' at their level which will support them in developing their reading skills.

If this is something you are interested in, please email to request your child's log on information at :



Don’t forget that you can still do:

* ‘Doodle Maths’ Extra and 5-a-day

* ‘Doodle English’ Extra and 5-a-day.

* Year 2 - Spend at least 10 minutes practising your times table rock star challenges at https://ttrockstars.com/

* Spellings (take a look at the tab on the right-hand side)

You can access Read, Write, Inc Phonics resources at:


Speed sounds set 1 – Mrs Henderson’s Group

Speed sounds set 2 – Mrs Agar’s Group

Speed sounds set 3 – Mrs Clarkson’s Group, Mrs Stevenson’s Group and Mrs Selkirk’s Group

A new sound is premiered each morning at 9:30 but can be viewed at any time using the link above.