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Wednesday 25th March

Good morning everyone, here are today’s activities:


9.00am Try the Joe Wicks exercise routine on YouTube.


With an adult or sibling have a go at playing the following memory game.

'I went to the shops and I bought…'

Take it in turns to add your own items.

For example:

Player 1: I went to the shops and I bought an apple;

Player 2: I went to the shops and I bought an apple AND a pencil etc.;

The game ends when someone forgets an item from the shopping list!



Can you have a go at ordering the caterpillar numbers? Work your way through the levels, see how high you can get.



Please continue to complete your 5 a day on ‘doodlemaths’.  Don’t forget to complete any extras you may have been assigned.



Select Year 1. Can you spell the words displayed?



Spellings: Remember to try and learn 5 spellings a week from your reception spelling list. Can you use any of these words to write a simple sentence?