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Wednesday 25th March

Hello everyone.

We hope you are managing to enjoy the sunshine whilst staying safe at home.


What do you think about Violet?

She isn’t a very kind girl, is she.


Today we would like you to watch the clip below:



Oops! Violet has grown a little bit!

She shouldn’t have eaten that blueberry flavoured chewing gum!

So this is where we need your help.

Imagine that she has eaten a different piece of fruit flavoured chewing gum. Maybe strawberry flavoured or pineapple.

What will happen to her?

Will she change to look like this fruit too?

How will she change?

Can you draw what she would look like in your blue books.


Year 1:

* We would like you to label your picture.

* Then write a sentence telling the reader what Violet has eaten.


Year 2:

* We would like you to label your picture.

* Then write at least 2 extended sentences telling the reader what has happened to Violet and why.


Enjoy imagining.

We wish we were with you to see your fabulous ideas.


We have also found online access to Read, Write, Inc Phonics resources for you to access at:


Speed sounds set 1 – Mrs Henderson’s Group

Speed sounds set 2 – Mrs Agar’s Group

Speed sounds set 3 – Mrs Clarkson’s Group, Mrs Stevenson’s Group and Mrs Selkirk’s Group

A new sound is premiered each morning at 9:30 but can be viewed at any time using the link above.


Don’t forget to do your:

* ‘Doodle Maths’ Extra and 5-a-day

* ‘Doodle English’ Extra and 5-a-day.

* Year 2 - Spend at least 10 minutes practising your times table rock star challenges at https://ttrockstars.com/