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Tuesday 24th March

Hello everyone.

Well that’s our first official day of ‘supporting learning at home’ completed.

We hope you had fun thinking about your own learning environment at home.

We can’t wait to see the logos you have designed.


Now for today (Tuesday) we would like to look again at a character from the story ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.

Today our focus is ‘Violet’

Take a look at the link to watch a clip about Violet:


You can also read the Extract in the PDF file below named ‘Violet’


Now we would like you all to draw a picture of Violet.

Year 1 children –

  • Write a list of adjectives to describe Violet (how she looks and the type of person she is).
  • Then turn these adjectives into sentences with capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops.
  • Challenge: join two sentences together using ‘and’.

Year 2 children –

  • Write a list of adjectives to describe Violet (how she looks and the type of person she is). Take a look at the ‘Alternative Adjectives’ below to help you with this.
  • Then turn these adjectives into extended sentences using conjunctions such as: and, because, or, but, then, so, but.  
  • Challenge: How many different conjunctions can you use in your description? REMEMBER, only join two sentences with one conjunction!


Year 1 – Spent at least 10 minutes practising your phonics https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/phonics-frog?phase=3


Year 2 - Spend at least 10 minutes practising your times table rock star challenges at https://ttrockstars.com/


Don’t forget to do your:

* ‘Doodle Maths’ Extra and 5-a-day

* ‘Doodle English’ Extra and 5-a-day.


Now drum roll………

Take a look at the 30-day Lego challenge.

If you choose to take part we hope you have great fun building.