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Monday 23rd March

Hi Guys, 

Hope you had a relaxing weekend with your families, staying safe. Please see below today's tasks: 

  • Remember to practice your new spellings, ready for Friday's test from home! Your parents/guardians will have to become your new 'spelling mentors' haha. Be kind to them! The spelling list is as follows: Peculiar / Perhaps / Popular /Position /Possess / Possession / Possible / Potatoes / Pressure / Probably / Promise /Purpose / Quarter / Question / Particular
  • I have assigned two additional math's tasks on Doodle - To: 'Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit'  (I apologise if you have already completed these last week, all good revision though!) 
  • You have a figurative language task on Doodle to complete on: Figurative Language Similes and Metaphors, Alliteration and Assonance, Imagery and Personification (Think back to last week's poetry work as this will help you!)
  • Finally, your main task for your Sketch Books / Main text book is to Sketch/draw an alien! 

Use google to find some inspiration. Simply, just search ‘alien sketch’ or ‘alien cartoon’. Remember to give your funky character a name! Think about how you could sketch their dimensions, skin texture and features to make it as futuristic as possible! I'm sure they'll be some great YouTube videos to break it down if you're stuck! Remember art is a process and it might take a few attempts... 

Enjoy your Monday! Joe Wicks is hosting a PE lesson at 9:00am tomorrow on Youtube if you want to kick start your day in a healthy way! We'll be joining in at school..wish me luck! 

Miss Jackson