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Wednesday 18th March

Work for today: Wednesday the 18th of March 2020

Doodle Online Platform: 

  • Complete the tasks assigned - any problems with logging in, please contact school for both your Doodle and Rockstar log-in! 


  • I have uploaded this weeks (w/c 16/3/20) on the 'Home Learning Page', please practise these daily ready for you to try out a spelling test on Friday. 

Today's Activity: 

As part of our Space themed topic, we have been looking at what life is like for astronauts onboard the I.S.S. 

Please read the document attached and/or re-watch the appointed videos on 'YouTube' :

  1. ISS Brushing Teeth Video Chris Hadfield 
  2. ISS Toilet Video Tim Peake 
  3. ISS How to Wash Video Karen Nyberg 
  4. Tim Peake Water Ping Pong
  5. Tim Peake Exercise 
  6. How do you exercise in Space? CSA presents the Hadfield Show
  7. How do you sleep on the ISS Sinita Williams

Following this research, please make notes on the positives and negatives for living in space. You might want to display these as spider diagrams, be as creative as possible! Focus on:

  • Eating in Space
  • Sleeping in Space
  • Free Time in Space
  • Exercise in Space
  • Morning Routine in Space

I look forward to hearing about  all of the super science you have found!

Take Care, 

Miss Jackson