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Wednesday 18th March


We know how much you have enjoyed our work on Roald Dahl so far.

We have been looking at the character Augustos Gloop.

Do you remember listening to the description of Augustos Gloop? 

We then drew him and got some great drawings!!!!

Now we would like you to write your this clip from the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory about Augustos Gloop:



Year 1 – Can you write a description of Augustos Gloop using at least 5 sentences with adjectives (describing words).

Don’t forget your punctuation: capital letters, finger spaces, full stops.

Challenge: Can you join 2 sentences using 'and'?


Year 2 – Can you write a description about Augustos Gloop including his appearance, personality and actions.

Have a go at using subordinated and co-ordinated sentences (and, but, if, because, so). 

Don’t forget your punctuation: capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, question marks

Challenge: Can you use commas in a list?


We hope you enjoy describing Augustos Gloop. 

We can't wait to read your work.