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At Snaith Primary School, Mathematics is taught discretely in a daily lesson as well as forming part of a lesson in other subject areas. We aim to provide a mathematical curriculum that contributes to the acquisition of life-long skills and promotes enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion. We believe that Mathematics at Snaith Primary should be creative and engaging. It should be presented through a context which is meaningful and stimulating for all children at their own level. Children should be confidently able to apply their skills and knowledge to imaginatively solve problems.  We also use a wide range of resources to reinforce the children's mathematical learning and ensure conceptual understanding which matches their age and ability.


We aim and strive for each Learner to be able to:

  •   Express their mathematical understanding clearly through Speaking and Listening activities;
  •   Solve problems through logical thinking and the use of new learning, skills and strategies;
  •   Be able to work independently and in teams on mathematical tasks
  •   Use investigative skills confidently and co-operatively;
  •   Develop good Mental Calculation Skills;
  •   Develop an overall competence with Numbers and Measures;
  •   Develop good Problem Solving skills;
  •   Use ICT as a learning tool;