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Medical Advice

Snaith Primary School is committed to supporting our pupils with medical needs. The office staff are happy to help you with any queries you may have. 


If a pupil feels ill during lesson time the teacher will send them to the school office. Parents are contacted immediately if illness necessitates a pupil going home, or if an accident has occurred. It is very important that we know of any medical situations which arise during the school day, so if your son/daughter feels unwell please inform the office staff or class teacher at the beginning of the day. 

If your child requires medication please bring this to the office at the beginning of the day. We will ask the parent or guardian to sign it in and the office staff will administer as required. 

If you are aware that your son/daughter is unwell and not fit to attend school, please keep them at home and contact school after 8.30am. If the child has suffered from sickness and/or diarrhoea it is policy to keep the child at home for 48 hours from the last bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea. This is to prevent any further spread of illness through school. 

First Aid

If a child hurts themselves a member of staff trained in first aid will assess the child. An accident note will be given to a child and parents will be contacted by text or phone. In the case of more serious incidents, parents or guardians will be contacted as soon as possible. It is important, therefore, that the school has details of parents' home and emergency telephone numbers.

Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition we ask that you organise a meeting with the class teacher so that they can create an individualised health care plan. This will be regularly updated but if there are any changes please contact the child's teacher as soon as possible.