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Mrs Clarkson's Class

Hello and welcome to our class page.

Our Year 2 class are ready and excited for the year ahead.

Mission Statement

Our mission statement is very important to us. This is a promise each of us has made to make sure our class is the best it can be. 

We all shine in this classroom.

We work hard to achieve our best and are fabulous friends to each other. 


We have P.E every Monday and Wednesday.

We ask that you send your child into school already dressed in their P.E kit on both of these days.

Please can you ensure that they wear:

* a white t-shirt

* red shorts or black joggers/leggings

* white socks

* trainers

Thank you in advance.


We love reading in our class and try and read as much as possible. 

Every week, your child/ren will bring home either a reading packet linked to their Read, Write Inc. phonics level or two free reading books (the paperback is linked to their reading ability, the picture book is for enjoyment).

Your children will be regularly assessed throughout the school year and we will decide when it is appropriate for your child to move up a book band.

Please bring book bags into school on a Wednesday.

We will listen to your child/ren read on a Wednesday or a Thursday.


Every child is set new spellings every week.

We continually assess the children throughout the school year to ensure that they are being set spellings which are appropriate. 

Spellings are checked each Wednesday and will handed out every Thursday.

It is really important that you practise your spellings throughout the week to help you improve your writing and to achieve your targets.

Our Happy Team

We really work together as a team to make our classroom a very happy and exciting place to work. We all work hard to carry out our monitor jobs with pride, as well as celebrating each other's achievements. 

We are looking forward to working with your wonderful children and yourselves too. 

For up-to-date  information, please ensure you check our 'Class Dojo' page.

If you have any concerns, queries or information that you would like to share with us there are several ways that you can share this:

Email the school office:


Phone the school office:

01405 860452

Thank you very much

Mrs Clarkson and Mrs Stevenson