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Mrs McDermott and Mrs Twist's Class

Welcome to Reception

Our class is a safe, friendly place where we work calmly and sensibly

We are kind and helpful to others and always try to be polite and well mannered at all times.

We listen, share and take turns. Everyone aims to be happy and smiley.

We shine in all we do.


Our class rules

To put our hands up when sharing ideas on the carpet.           

To use quiet voices at all times.

To walk calmly within school.

To always be kind to others.

To keep our hands and feet to ourselves.

To look after each other.

To listen to each other.


Here is some important information that you need:

Can all clothes including shoes be clearly labelled.

Reading Day- Our reading books are brought into school on Wednesday and are sent back home on Wednesdays.

PE day - We do PE on Tuesday. Please come to school in your PE kit on this day.