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Miss Jackson's Class

A Huge Welcome to Our Class, where we reach for the stars!  

We are:

R esponsible

E nthusiastic

S ensible

P unctual

E nergetic

C onsiderate

T rustworthy

Welcome to Year 5 & 6, where we set an example through being respectful: to our classmates, all staff and school equipment. Most importantly, we respect ourselves and enhancing our learning. Visitors, helpers and new faces are always greeted with a friendly, polite smile and a positive, responsible attitude!

During this year, Mrs Willsher and Mrs McLaughlin will be helping to support the children’s learning and development; both in the classroom and during interventions across the school day. Mrs Dickens (our school ELSA) will also be working closely with members of our class to provide additional emotional and social support -and plenty of fun games too!

   As a class, we agree together a related target for us all to achieve; this will be updated, alongside children’s personal targets, on a half-termly basis.  Children receive tokens throughout our school based on their politeness, kindness and hard work. Class prizes and superstar certificates will be also awarded for exceptional attitudes and outstanding pieces of work.

In our class we are working on taking responsibility for organising ourselves, where:

  • Class spelling lists are updated on a weekly basis online. Please can you make sure children have practised their spellings daily, all ready for their test every Friday!

  • Any English and Maths homework will be set on Monday with the expectation that it will be returned the following week.  Children will be assigned their homework digitally to complete on one of the following platforms:

  1. Doodle Maths 
  2. Reading Plus
  3. Any additional or alternative homework 
  • Our PE day this year is Monday and Tuesday. We kindly ask that children come to school in PE shorts or jogging bottoms, PE T-shirt and a school jumper or cardigan. Please could children always have a spare pair of trainers at school with them in a drawstring bag (ready for playtimes). 

Lesson start and end times are 8:55 am to 3:30 pm:

Our Entrance and exit 

Children will enter the main school gate and immediately turn left through the 'tractor gate'. Then they will enter the school building through the year 5/6 door. At the end of the day, children will leave through the same door. Parents of children in my class should wait around the perimeter of the school playground.

Our Autumn Topic -Who's My Mummy?

  • In the first two weeks back, as part of our whole school theme ‘Around the World in 8 Days’, Year 5 and 6 will be focusing on the country Madagascar, where they will have the opportunity to screen print, cook a range of Madagascan dishes and challenge any misconceptions they may have about the country. Later on, the children will be transported back in time to the Ancient Egyptian Era.  By the end of the term, the children will have learnt about how important discoveries were made, such as the Tomb of Tutankhamen, the hierarchy of Egyptian Life, farming methods, their beliefs and rituals, before evaluating the legacy that this amazing civilisation left behind on the rest of the world.

This webpage reflects our love for learning in a fun, creative and inclusive manner and will be updated regularly with our ‘wonderful work’: